Thursday, December 11, 2008

BLA GSA Ally Wall

Hey everyone...

I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the time you took today to look at The Ally Wall. It is important to educate each other and to tolerate differences.

I think the wall looks great, but I would love to fill up the entire hallway! If you (or your friends have anything to add, write something and leave it in my mailbox at school. You don't have to put your name; you can sign "anonymous" instead. Or, you can email me something, but indicate if you want your name to be posted or not. Lastly, you can post here in the comments section. If you want to include your name, fine, otherwise, leave it anonymous.

Please use this space to generate positive discussion and do not write slanderous or hate speech on this portion of the blog.

If you have already written something, thank you! If you would like to contribute, then please do!

Ms. Gentile