In your literature books, read the excerpt from Thoreau's "Resistance to Civil Government" on pages 220-224. Using the themes, priciples, beliefs, intention of Thoreau, compare and contrast to that written in CtBC.
Things to think about when formulating a thesis: What do you want to say about these pieces? How are they connected? What do both of these pieces say about hope, conflict and wanting to make a change? Is one more effective than the other, in what ways?
Follow the rubric below.
- MLA Format
- 600-800 words
- At least TWO citations from CtBC
- At least TWO citations from "Resistance to..."
- You make specific connections, contrasts and/or comparisions, adding insightful analysis and explantions: think: How do they connect/contrast and what is the overall message?
- Proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure and use of good vocabulary.
- Use of a strong introductory paragraph and thesis; body paragraphs include reasons, evidence and explanations; a solid "so what" conclusion.
- A works cited page for the novel and the excerpt.
- uploaded to by the start of class.
- final copy ready to hand in at the start of class.
Ask questions in the comments section below. Use your peers.
DUE: Tues. 2/24