Friday, January 30, 2009

CtBC: Chapters 18 - 21 Analysis

Due Wednesday:

Read the following chapters. For each topic, find a citation (including page numbers) which support what it is asking of you. Be sure to summarize and analyze the citation used. Be sure to connect this citation to the topic and what/how it is important, what it indicates and why.

  1. Find a passage which indicates character development. Who is it? What does it show? How and in what ways has the character developed?

  2. Find a passage which indicates the connect/disconnect to the land. What is the passing saying about people and nature of S.A.? Symbolism, figurative/literal meaning, etc.

  3. Which passage in the chapters says something about hope, either having of lacking it? What is the overall message behind the passage? What is the intent?

  4. Find a sepcific passage that indicates the role of fear and power. Has it changed or what does it stand for, explain its evolution. Who is afraid and of what? If someone/thing is afraid, then who/what has the power? Think of this as a system of checks/balances.

You should have one passage for each and they should come from the assigned chapters.